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Cable Loop Sensor 2.2m

Protecting your valuable outdoor gear—like bikes, portable generators, tables, chairs, or other camping equipment—can be a challenge, especially when you’re on the move or parked at a campsite. Fortunately, the Cable Loop Sensor offers a simple and effective solution by seamlessly integrating with your RVsecure Security System.

The Cable Loop Sensor is a flexible cable that works by creating a closed-loop circuit. To secure your equipment, simply thread the cable through or around the items you want to protect, such as the frames of your bikes, the handle of your generator, or your outdoor furniture. Once the loop is connected and the base is placed back in the holder, the sensor monitors the circuit—if the cable is cut, disconnected, or tampered with, it immediately triggers an alarm. Removing the base will also trigger the alarm.

This solution is ideal for securing outdoor equipment that may otherwise be vulnerable to theft, especially when you’re away from your RV or asleep. It’s particularly useful for larger or oddly shaped items that can’t be stored inside the vehicle. Since it pairs directly with your RVsecure alarm system, any disturbance triggers an alert, ensuring you are notified in real-time.

The easy-to-use design allows you to quickly secure and release items as needed, without complicated locks or tools. Additionally, the cable sensor can be repositioned or used across various types of gear, offering versatile protection for different situations. Whether it’s a few minutes or several hours, you can leave your gear outside with confidence knowing it’s monitored and integrated into your overall RV security setup.

By adding a Cable Loop Sensor to your RVsecure system, you gain peace of mind, knowing that all your outdoor equipment is safeguarded with the same level of security as your RV.



$169.00 incl GST

Carissa from Laidback Adventures introduces the Cable Loop Sensor

How it Works

Simply run the cable through the items you wish to protect at the campsite or whilst traveling and then pull the base through the loop.


Then place the base back in the holder. 

Arm your alarm and you are all set!

If the base is removed from the holder or the cable is cut, the base sends a signal to your RVsecure Security System and the alarm is activated.

Suitable for

Bikes, e-Bikes, Generators, Gas Bottles, Portable Fridges, Spare Wheels, Camp Gear. Basically anything outside!

*Compatible with PlatinumX Gen3 and PlatinumX Gen2 v2.54 up

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